Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Really Far Behind (23 Weeks 3 Days Pregnant)

I know I said 3 weeks ago I was going to give an update on everything that has happened since around Halloween time but things happen. I have been super sick with some stomach bug and then on top of that I got a really bad cold and I am just now getting online to update everything. Sickness sucks!!!! So lets begin.

About a week or so before we went on Vacation to San Antonio I lost part of my mucous plug. Very scary-ish. I called the doctor and he said that it's sometimes normal just keep an eye out for bleeding, cramping and fluid leakage. He said that the mucus plug will normally regenerate itself. How interesting huh? I thought so. Well I had none or the scary signs so everything is ok. I went to the doctor when we got back from San Antonio and he check me and everything is just fine. So yay...

Now for Vacation....

We went to San Antonio for Halloween to spend it with family. It was a lot of fun and we are really missing everyone. We took Caleb to the Zoo, The Magic Time Machine, The Rain Forest Cafe and a few other really fun places. We had a blast and I got some really cute pictures that I will put up. Trick-or-Treating was interesting. Caleb was so wore out after only maybe 2 streets that we cut it short and went back to my moms early. He was a Ninja and he looked so cute. Halfway through trick-or-treating he took it all off though. HaHaHa So much for spending money on a costume. HaHaHa.. Trick-or-Treating just isn't the same as it use to be. I remember when I was young going up maybe 1 street and already having a pillow case full of candy. Now you barley get anything and no one even turns their porch light on. Times are a changin.

Just have to throw in... Gas here is below 2 bucks.. How awesome is that. I never thought I would see that again. Wowzers !!!! Oh and we now have an African American President !!! Hmmm.. 2009 should be interesting.

Well Baby Sophia is non-stop moving. I love it. Not long now. I don't know if I'm going to have a baby shower. I really don't know a lot of people here in Midland and the people that I do know are more of an acquaintance then anything. I think I have only 1 or 2 real friends here. I dunno. We'll see, maybe I'll throw one myself. LOL.. That would be fun and stressful at the same time. HaHaHa I should really start shopping too since I don't have any girl stuff. I have the boy stuff covered from when Caleb was a baby but nothing for a girl. I should really start soon!!!!

Ok well I am going to stop I will get on a little later and write some more interesting pregnancy things that have happened. So keep an eye out.

Here are some pictures from San Antonio ! Enjoy !

Friday, November 7, 2008

20 Weeks 6 Days Pregnant

So I have alot of catching up to do.But I don't have a lot of time right now so I will just post about today and then tomorrow I will post about the last week or so.

Well today I had the sonogram and she would not move. Only good pictures we got were of her hand in her face and an ear. LOL. She wouldn't even open her legs so the tech could check the sex again. I even did a little hop and a shake so she would change positions and she just wasn't having it. She is head down right now so it's not kicking I am feeling it is her punching me. HaHaHa So here are the few pics that I got today. Not the best but still super cute.