Sunday, December 28, 2008

28 Weeks 1 Day

I still can't believe how fast this pregnancy is going. It blows my mind. Sophia is doing great. She rolls around non stop and at night when I lay down to go to sleep she kicks the crap out of me. HaHaHa I love it though. When ever she starts kicking I call Chris so he can come feel her move around but as soon as he puts his hand on my belly she stops. I am mean literally she is super still. HaHaHa We go Saturday for our 4D sonogram. I am super excited. As soon as we get done I will post pictures.

Christmas was fun. It was just the 3 of us and Caleb made out like a bandit. Santa broke the bank this year. HaHaHa I am so glad it's over though. Now I can get my house back to order and make some more room for baby. The joys of living in an apartment. I can't wait til we move. I keep saying that but we keep re-signing the lease. LOL Oh well someday I will have more room. Here are a few pictures, one of Caleb and the other of me and my belly !

Caleb with his gifts from Christmas

28 week body shot. I look like a big purple plum.. HeHeHe

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Found This Picture

I think I was about 20 weeks here. It was when we were in San Antonio for Halloween. All 3 of us are pregnant. Kelly, Myself and my little sister Brandi !!! We are in the order of our due dates. Excuse the way I look.. LOL.. This was taken at like 10:00 pm and I was so tired. HaHaHa

Kelly, Me and Brandi

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christmas is Coming Fast

So this weekend we took Caleb to look at Christmas lights around out neighborhood, He loved it. There is this one house that has gone all out and they have done a really good job with it too. Let me tell you!!! The have a bought a billion lights up and a Tree in their window that goes around in a circle so you can see the whole thing. It's so pretty. They even have a projector type thing inside another window with Santa wrapping presents, peaking out the window and checking his list. At first Chris and I thought it was a real person. That's how awesome it is. Caleb saw it and was so excited because we have been telling him that Santa is checking up on him to make sure he has been a good boy for his mommy and daddy. So when he saw Santa in the window his face lite up with excitement and you could just see him glowing. He said "Mom, Santa is really checking up on me!! " It was great !!!!

We also went last night with a friend of ours and their boys to the Odessa Christmas Parade. It was really fun. Oh and cold after a while. The boys had fun but having little kids sit for over an hour to watch a parade, well yeah they got bored I think. I did happen to take a whopping 2 pictures. HaHaHa ... So here they are.

Caleb (Left) Roman (Middle) Lucian (Right)

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Yesterdays Doctors Appointment

Sophia is doing great. Her heartbeat was 160 which is really good and she is measuring out just right. I gained 9 lbs this past month. Ouch.. LOL.. Other then that same ol same ol. I kinda got into it with my doctor and another lady that works there. There is a place here where I live that does sonograms and you get the 3D-4D ones. Super cool. They give you like 80 pictures and you can have as many people in the room as you want. Ohh you can also videotape it. So anyways in order for me to be able to go there ad have one done my doctor has to give me a note saying that it is ok. I guess because of sue happy people. Well my doctors office doesn't allow it. So I got pissed off. The way I see it is it's my baby and if I want to have 80 darn pictures and I am paying out of pocket for it then why the hell not. So anyways I left upset and told my doctor that I was going to go home and cry. He felt really bad and I know it's not his fault but it's the simple fact. Know what I mean. So anyways Chris called them (the sonogram people) yesterday evening and they said that they will allow me to have it done as long as I sign a wavier saying that my doctor refused to give me a note or some crap like that. So I am super happy and can't wait to have it done. I will be going when I am about 30 weeks. I can't wait.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Kung Pow Baby

She's a kicker alright. Last night while I was trying to sleep Sophie kept kicking me in my ribs. So much for "get as much rest as you can before the baby comes"... hahaha... I love it though. Caleb has also been getting use to the fact that there is a baby in my tummy. He calls her by her name now instead of that baby.. LOL and he has even been known to walk up to my tummy and give it a little rub and a Raspberry every now and again. It's so cute. He is going to be such a good big brother. Tomorrow morning at like 8:45.. Ugghhh.. I have a doctors appointment. So I will let you all know how that goes. I can't wait to hear Sophie's little heartbeat !!!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Really Far Behind (23 Weeks 3 Days Pregnant)

I know I said 3 weeks ago I was going to give an update on everything that has happened since around Halloween time but things happen. I have been super sick with some stomach bug and then on top of that I got a really bad cold and I am just now getting online to update everything. Sickness sucks!!!! So lets begin.

About a week or so before we went on Vacation to San Antonio I lost part of my mucous plug. Very scary-ish. I called the doctor and he said that it's sometimes normal just keep an eye out for bleeding, cramping and fluid leakage. He said that the mucus plug will normally regenerate itself. How interesting huh? I thought so. Well I had none or the scary signs so everything is ok. I went to the doctor when we got back from San Antonio and he check me and everything is just fine. So yay...

Now for Vacation....

We went to San Antonio for Halloween to spend it with family. It was a lot of fun and we are really missing everyone. We took Caleb to the Zoo, The Magic Time Machine, The Rain Forest Cafe and a few other really fun places. We had a blast and I got some really cute pictures that I will put up. Trick-or-Treating was interesting. Caleb was so wore out after only maybe 2 streets that we cut it short and went back to my moms early. He was a Ninja and he looked so cute. Halfway through trick-or-treating he took it all off though. HaHaHa So much for spending money on a costume. HaHaHa.. Trick-or-Treating just isn't the same as it use to be. I remember when I was young going up maybe 1 street and already having a pillow case full of candy. Now you barley get anything and no one even turns their porch light on. Times are a changin.

Just have to throw in... Gas here is below 2 bucks.. How awesome is that. I never thought I would see that again. Wowzers !!!! Oh and we now have an African American President !!! Hmmm.. 2009 should be interesting.

Well Baby Sophia is non-stop moving. I love it. Not long now. I don't know if I'm going to have a baby shower. I really don't know a lot of people here in Midland and the people that I do know are more of an acquaintance then anything. I think I have only 1 or 2 real friends here. I dunno. We'll see, maybe I'll throw one myself. LOL.. That would be fun and stressful at the same time. HaHaHa I should really start shopping too since I don't have any girl stuff. I have the boy stuff covered from when Caleb was a baby but nothing for a girl. I should really start soon!!!!

Ok well I am going to stop I will get on a little later and write some more interesting pregnancy things that have happened. So keep an eye out.

Here are some pictures from San Antonio ! Enjoy !

Friday, November 7, 2008

20 Weeks 6 Days Pregnant

So I have alot of catching up to do.But I don't have a lot of time right now so I will just post about today and then tomorrow I will post about the last week or so.

Well today I had the sonogram and she would not move. Only good pictures we got were of her hand in her face and an ear. LOL. She wouldn't even open her legs so the tech could check the sex again. I even did a little hop and a shake so she would change positions and she just wasn't having it. She is head down right now so it's not kicking I am feeling it is her punching me. HaHaHa So here are the few pics that I got today. Not the best but still super cute.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Sonogram Today

It went really well and guess what ????? It's still a GIRL !!!! Yay, so now I am really going shopping. I had a student do the sonogram which was really great cause she took her time and I was able to watch Sophia move around and yawn for about 40 minutes. It was great ! I even was able to get a cute profile shot of her.

So I can't believe I am already 18 Weeks 6 Days Pregnant. Not long now. My how time flies. It says on one site that baby is already up to 7 ounces and 6 inches! The sonogram tech estimated Sophie's weight around 9 oz. So I wonder if she is going to be a big baby? She has been really calm lately. I haven't felt her move much so hopefully that will pick up in the next few weeks or so. Ok now for pictures.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Do you ever forget to do something? Well I have been doing that alot. It has gotten so bad I have been making sticky notes of what I have to do that week or I will completely forget. I have them all over my computer monitor and Chris laughs at me all the time for it. A girls got to do what a girls got to do. Thank the Lord someone was smart enough to make these wonderful sticky notes. HaHaHa

Want to hear the one thing I forgot to do though because I didn't make a sticky note of it. Shave my left knee. Yep just my left knee. I shaved everything else but forgot that one knee. I laughed so hard at myself I thought I was going to cry. HaHaHa The joys of my pregnant brain.

Monday, October 6, 2008

The Last Couple of Days

I have felt pretty good, Almost not even pregnant. So let me catch you up on some of the stuff that has gone on the past couple of days. First Let me start off with the day before finding out the gender of baby. I wanted to post this earlier but didn't want to embarrass Chris but you know what.. I have to. It is just to funny not to. So we were driving around and the baby started kicking. I told Chris and I was super excited cause I could really majorly feel it this time. So he says "Like it even has legs yet!" I looked at him with amazement and just started laughing because he was really serious. HaHaHa I told him, "Honey, it's a real baby. It has legs and fingers and all it's major organs already." Hello... Earth to Chris. Someone apparently doesn't listen to me when I tell them all the cool stuff that is happening to baby. LOL. I will never let him live that down. Ok now on to Saturday. We took Caleb to Fiddlesticks Farms which is a corn field maze and pumpkin patch. It was really interesting but I will say it was really over priced. We went through 2 of the mazes and took a hay ride to the very expensive pumpkin patch. We did not buy a pumpkin from them cause a normal size one you can get at the store for $3-4 was a whooping $15-20. Can you believe it?? Crazy expensive!!!! Caleb also played on these super dangerous slides that I almost had a heart attack every time he went up them. Never again !!!! (Dad let him not me, Chris said I need to let him be a boy) Whatever !!! Chris also took a picture of me looking miserable there. I was hot and dirty from the wind blowing sand and dirt all over my body.. Oh Yeah Baby !!!! Hot and Dirty !!!! Ok that's enough of that. I will post some pictures and a video I took of Caleb going down the scary slide. Now on to Sunday. We went to Walmart so I could start a baby registry there, Uh Huh more like so Chris could start one. HaHaHa He scanned everything while me and Caleb stood there with this strange look on our faces like Chris had gone mad !! He was so excited about start the registrty. I have never seen a man like that before. You would have thought he was the one that was pregnant. HaHaHa After he was done. He handed it to me and said ok here you can add some stuff if you want. "Are you serious, I mean he had added everything already. Even stuff that we didn't need like Preemie clothes." HaHaHa I went online later and took off about a million things. HaHaHa I am glad he is excited though. Makes things so much better when we are all excited !!! Well thats pretty much what has been going on.

So let me tell a little about Baby Sophie now. I am 16 wees 2 days pregnant. Only 166 Days to go. Wow it is coming fast. I haven't really felt her move since the day Chris said she didn't have legs. HaHaHa It says on one site that her head to body ratio is finally starting to even out a bit as the rest of the body is actually growing faster than the head at this point. Yes, your little light bulb is not so top-heavy. Her adorable little limbs have lengthened, almost reaching their normal proportions which they will have at birth. Her eyes are still closed but moving and if you had an ultrasound, which many doctors recommend you have at about this time, you may even see your little one sucking on a thumb, not to mention the necessary signifiers to let you know whether you’ve got a wee lad or lassie. Well we already did that and it says we are having a wee lassie. So yep that is all for now. I will post more later when I have more to say.. HaHaHa I'll Be Back!!!!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I can't wait to welcome Sophia Audrey Chappell in to the world!!

I am so excited and we go back on the 24th for another sonogram just to be on the safe side that She is a She.. LOL.. I can't wait to see her again.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Think Pink !!!!!

Please every one think PINK and Open Legs. Please think Open Legs. LOL.. It's tomorrow.. Woo Hoo

Friday, September 26, 2008

I go in for another sonogram.. WooHoo on the 30th which is this Tuesday. I am so excited. We are going to try and attempt to find out the sex of the baby. I am still a little early in my pregnancy but have asked quite a bit of other momma's about when they found out the sex of their babies, how far along they were. Most of them said 15-17 weeks. So I am keeping my fingers crossed. Even if we don't find out at least I get to see my little Chappell Baby. So keep checking back in and I will update everyone as soon as we find out. Pictures and all. Woot Woot.. I am so EXCITED !!!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

14 Weeks 1 Day Already

Can you believe how fast this is going. With my last pregnancy it went by sooooo slooowwww. Seriously, I thought I would always be pregnant. Well anyways, sorry I haven't written in awhile. I have been so darn exhausted and sick. Morning sickness is still kicking my butt. I figured out it is my prenatals that are causing it though so I need to figure out a way to take them so I don't blow chunks anymore. Believe me it is no fun. So I do believe I felt the little Chappell Baby fluttering around. It was weird cause at first I was like what in flippin world is that. Well It's the baby. LOL. When I told Chris he looked at me and rolled his eyes. (like uhhh-huh like you really already felt the baby move) I told him I know my own Gas and that was definitely not it. HaHaHa Speaking of Gas I have had it sooo bad. OMG let me tell you how horrible it is. I do not, let me say that again I DO NOT pass gas in front of my husband. How embarrassing, well not really embarrassing just I am not taking the chance on him making fun of me cause then I would have to beat him up. LOL. It keeps me up all night so my big butt is stumbling in the dark to bathroom to do my thing. I am so tired by morning. Yes girls do Fart!!!! Get over it.

So about the baby, lets see it says - Your adorable little fetus is busy with thumb sucking, toe wiggling, and (not so cute but equally amazing) making urine and breathing amniotic fluid as the liver, kidneys and spleen continue to develop. Lanugo (thin, downy hair) is growing all over the body for warmth.Woo Hoo a growing baby. We also go on the 30th of this month to try and find out the sex. How exciting. Everyone keep your fingers crossed for a girl. So I better get going, I need to go start dinner for my boys.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

1st Midwife Appointment

So today I am 12 weeks 3 days pregnant. I can't believe how fast it is going. So right now baby is about the size of a plum. Aww I have never been more proud to have a plum! HaHaHa
Today was also my first midwife appointment. I absolutely loved it. I felt almost like I was at home. She made me feel so comfortable which is such a plus. Caleb went with me and played with the toys they have there. He did really well considering my appointment was at 9:00 and I didn't get out of there until after 11:00. Chris wasn't able to go :( He had to work but I did record the baby's heartbeat just for him. He wanted to be there so bad. So, I refuse to step on a scale and look at my weight but today I did and I only gained a few pounds. Shanna my midwife said I am doing great. Woot Woot... Way to go me. When I was pregnant with Caleb I was over 200 lbs. Yeah can you say More To Love !!!! ;) So here is the the video that I took today, you can really see my baby bump. I love to hear baby's heartbeat. It makes it so much more real...

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

House Hunting

We are looking to buy a home right now. It is very exciting but makes me a nervous wreck at the same time. It probably doesn't help that I am pregnant and my hormones are like a million time worse then they have ever been. So we have looked at a few houses and found one we liked but then I found another one I really like but the price is way to much. More then what we want to have to pay. We made an offer on it anyways and they sent back a We'll think about it. I am not sure it that is good or bad. I guess we will see. It is perfect though. It's in a great area and quite. It is just perfect if you ask me. Now I am comparing it to other homes we are looking at and I know I shouldn't do it but I am and it is so hard to stop. It even has a red front door. I love it!!!! As for my pregnancy, It is still the same. I am still sick as ever and I can tell and I am sure others can tell now that I am pregnant. The joys of having more then one child is you get to show earlier. I wasn't no Skinny Minny either though. LOL. I go for my first midwives appointment on the 9th of September. I am really looking forward to it. I will also hopefully be putting some new belly pictures up soon. We are definitely slacking in that department. As of today I am 10 Weeks 4 Days Pregnant. My pregnancy chart also says" your little scrapper has already developed defense mechanisms to protect them on reflex!" How cool is that. I can't wait to find out the sex. Not long now!!!!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Sick and Fruit Cups

I am 9 weeks 5 days today and I feel horrible. Yesterday and today haven't been the best of days. I have had a hard time keeping anything down. I actually think I might have picked up a stomach bug or something on top of the whole pregnancy symptoms. It is getting so bad that I might end up at the ER so I can make sure I am not dehydrated. I thought about going yesterday but was able to keep down some water before I went to bed. Chris kept Caleb today so I could rest this morning. It was so nice to rest for awhile. He is such a good man.So tonight I wanted a fruit cup so bad (I have had this thing for fruits and veggies) so we all went real fast to go get one and on the way out the door Caleb told his daddy "We are going to go get a fruit cup for the baby cause it's hungry". It was so funny and of course Chris had to throw in "Did mommy say that"? No, why on earth would I say that. HaHaHa So when we get there we order. By the way there is no menu or prices on anything. So we are like ok whatever. I get a fruit cup and corn and Caleb gets ice cream and Chris gets a fruit cup and pepsi. It came out to like $22 even. That is so freakin expensive for everything. I think I will be making my own fruit cups from now on, But they were sooooo Good.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

9 Weeks Today

All I have to say is I am so tired of throwing up !!!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008


I love it so much. It is the best thing in the whole world. I would rather eat sushi then anything else. So Chris, Caleb and I decided we were going to go to a Japanese Steakhouse for dinner tonight. It's called Shoguns, Check it out if you are ever in Midland. It is really fun and the food is great. So anyways I haven't really been much on chicken or beef since I have been pregnant. It just doesn't taste right to me so I have been ordering the veggies or stealing Chris's since he doesn't eat them (Shame on him). Well tonight I got the veggie plate and then ordered a Spider Roll and some Unagi. It was so good I just had to come on here and let you know. I think I am going to go back sometime this week even if it is by myself to get some more. Yummo. So anyways here are a few pictures of what I had. Oh yeah and about sushi. It is pretty safe to eat sushi that has cooked fish or cooked whatever you are eating. Plus it just depends on the person too. I mean look at all the Japanese women who eat raw fish all the time and they have perfectly normal healthy babies. Also here is a link if you want to know a little more. Sushi Link

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Nothing New

So just wanted to give a little update to let everyone know how it's going. I have my good days like yesterday where I felt so productive and then days like today where I feel like I haven't slept in years and my whole body hurts like I have the flu. Ughh, No fun especially with a 4 year old who wants you to get up so he can do some karate moves on you. I am hoping tomorrow I will have some energy so I can finish cleaning my house. Chris has been really good about picking up when I decide the house can just stay messy. HaHaHa He is a BIG help and doesn't even complain when I go lay down and do nothing. My morning sickness has really chilled out a lot too. I thought it never would. I still feel a little queasy but nothing major. So I have had my first real craving...Are you ready ????

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Yep It's A Baby

So this is how my day started out. I woke up around 7 ish and did my morning ritual. I ate some toast to put something in my tummy so I wouldn't barf and drank 2 bottles of water to fill my bladder. Caleb got up and I got him dressed since it was already 8:30 am and we were leaving the house around 9:15 am to head to my sonogram appointment. Next thing I know I feel awful, like I was about to throw up my insides. (Yeah maybe to much info but if you don't like it quit reading because through out my pregnancy it is just going to get worse). I went running for the Toilet and stayed there right up until we left. Chris said I will never understand you women. I was like what are you talking about, He said Well you can't wait to get pregnant but then all you do is throw up non-stop. I just rolled my eyes since I felt awful and I really didn't want to talk but I was thinking "Yeah but in the end it is so worth it". I tried to drink some more on on drive to the sonogram but every time I took a sip I felt a little more worse then before. So ok I maybe got down half a bottle of water, Not good at all since you need a pretty much full bladder for you to get a good picture on the sonogram. We get there and the lady is all telling me "You didn't fill your bladder like you were suppose to"!! Well I would have love to but I was to busy throwing up non-stop thank you very much. So anyways back to the sonogram... Guess What???? It's A Baby!!!! Everything is fine. We saw our cute little Chappell Baby even though the picture was not very clear due to me not filling my bladder.. Blah Blah Blah. We even saw and heard the heartbeat and my husband is just to funny and if my bladder was full I am sure I would have had an accident. After he heard the heartbeat he was all like It's Daddy's Little Tadpole.. He is something else let me tell you. Caleb was there too but he is only 4 and is not really understanding everything that is going on yet, even though we tried to explain it to him. Oh but he will as soon as we have this baby. HaHaHa.. So my due date is still the same.. yay.. I am due the First Day of Spring.. Yay I love Spring Babies.

I am Due March 21, 2009

7 Weeks 3 days Pregnant

226 Days until my due date
33 weeks to go

Chappell Baby (can you see the baby) ??

Weekend in Hobbs

So let me catch up here.. We went for the weekend in Hobbs, NM. We had a garage sale with my sister, my niece's 1 st Birthday and went to the races all in the same day. It was fun though. I feel sorry for my sister and her family though for the simple fact that I was pretty much a miserable person while I was there. My stomach was non-stop hurting. It pretty much felt like I was so bloated that I was going to explode. I finally figured it out the last night we were there though. My Prenatal Pills were the cause so I just quite taking them. I am now taking these all organic ones that seem to be doing the trick. No tummy aches yet. (Knock on wood). So anyways back to the races. It was really neat. The first time ever for Caleb or me to go. Chris has been to a few already when we lived in San Antonio so yeah he doesn't count. HaHaHa.. We saw a car flip and everything pretty cool.. no one was hurt though thank god. It was also fan appreciation night so the race car drivers made all kinds of goodie bags for the kids. We were able to walk around on the track meet a few of them and then pretty much walked from car to car to get a goodie bad. Kinda like Halloween, Caleb had a blast. He was so tired though that after getting the goodie bags he was sitting in my lap and passed out. I am still not sure how he fell asleep with all the noise of the loud race cars. All in all it was a really good weekend.

Caleb dirty and tired at the races but look at that cute smile.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Just Another Day

So the past few days have been a little off. I have been having some cramping and lower back pain on top of having the dreaded morning sickness. I am sure it is normal it just scares me a bit since we are not sure what all is going on. I have had no bleeding though so that is a good sign. I have been doing alot of swimming with my son and niece. Ohhhh and I love my maintenance man here at my apartments. Mr. B-Rad is the greatest. He lowered the temperature in the hot tub so I would be able to get in it. It was so nice to be able to sit in a warm hot tub and stay in longer then just a few seconds. I looked it up on line about hot tubs and they say pregnant women can get in hot tubs just don't stay in longer then 10 minutes and if you stop sweating then you need to get out. I always feel nervous about putting my whole body in so I normally just soak my feet and legs. Yesterday was my husbands birthday !!! He is now officially 27 yrs old. I love my Old Man!!!! HaHaHaHa.... So only about 6 more days until my ultrasound. I can't wait... I will be taking another picture today to post up on my next blog but for now it is time to clean house.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Morning Sickness Deluxe

That's right Morning Sickness Deluxe which means I have it non-stop. When I wake up in the morning, mid conversation, when I go to bed and even when I am sleeping. Yesterday and today has been a little better but man ol man. I did not have it this bad with my first (Caleb). I will be driving on the highway and will have my face in a sick bag. If it wasn't for the sick bags I really don't know what I would do. I was for awhile just taking a little trash can around with me. HaHaHa Now is that bad or what. At least with the sick bags I can put them in my purse and then trash them without having to walk around with a trash can every where I go. If you want to know more about these nifty little bags you can check them out at SickSaver These definitely come in handy and they even have a cool little stick figure guy on the front barfing. HaHaHa Now how cool is that!!!! I just feel sorry for my husband, he is all like is every pregnancy like this? "No honey not all of them". Hopefully I wont be like this my whole pregnancy. That would be just great !!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Sonogram Venture

It was a little nerve wracking and i kinda wish we would have waited or something. We went and the technician did a sonogram but couldn't really see anything. Then she was all like That looks like a mass... I'm like WHAT!!!!!! So I told her that I have had an ovarian pregnancy before so she starts saying that it is very possible I am having another. So my heart just kinda breaks. She said lets do a Ultrasound just in case cause I don't want to send you off with something like that and it not get treated. So we do the ultrasound and she says well the mass was probably just a shadow. Then we saw the Sac but it was really small and she says well I don't see a baby but it is probably to early. At this point I am just so irritated and not knowing what to think. She measures the sac and it measures out to 5 weeks and 3 days. So I am just barley pregnant and she wants me to come back on the 5th of August to have another to be safe and make sure I am still pregnant. As soon as I get done with another Ultrasound on the 5th I am heading straight over for my Midwife appointment. I just know everything will be okay. I am just a little thrown back.

I am Due March 21, 2009

5 weeks 4 days Pregnant
241 days until my due date

35 weeks to go

Midwife It Is !!!!

Go Me !!!!! Yes I am being very brave and I know I can do it. My last pregnancy ended up with a very unwanted emergency C-Section but desperate measures call for desperate things. Caleb my 4 yr old was already causing me headaches before he was even here. His umbilical cord had a knot in it so his heart rate kept dropping. So Back to the Midwife thing. I want a VBAC and I can't find any doctors that will allow it just to save their butts. Midwives do them all the time and they are just as safe as having another C-Section. There is risk with everything you do. So the only thing I am not really looking forward to is all the pain but I know I can get past it. I have my first appointment on August 5th, 2008. I am so excited. They are really nice and compassionate. One of the midwives told me about free sonograms from the Midland College. I went yesterday but that is for the next blog. I don't want these to be too darn long.

The Beginning

We found out we we're pregnant on July 11, 2008 around 3:00 in the afternoon. We were super excited. This is going to be our second child but first one together. My husband is not our first son's biological father even though he swears of sneaking into my house about 4 years ago and getting me pregnant. HaHaHa We told everyone right away. My husband Chris was calling anyone he could think of just to have them listen to his exciting news and I was calling our family members to hear them hoot and holler about how wonderful this was and it could not come at a better time. It still wasn't very real to us yet, well a bit more for me then my husband. He insisted on taking two extra pregnancy test to be for sure. Like the other ones would lie or something. MEN !!!! We told our son Caleb who is 4 that there was a baby inside mommy's tummy and his reaction was priceless. He say's "Where in the World Did it Come From?" I told him God gave it to us. Later on in the day I was talking to my husband and I was saying how babies are like aliens or the body snatchers. They live in your body taking everything from you! Like parasites. We were laughing when our son came up to us again and was like "Mom you have an Alien in your tummy, WOW." Behold The Beginning !!!!