Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Beginning

We found out we we're pregnant on July 11, 2008 around 3:00 in the afternoon. We were super excited. This is going to be our second child but first one together. My husband is not our first son's biological father even though he swears of sneaking into my house about 4 years ago and getting me pregnant. HaHaHa We told everyone right away. My husband Chris was calling anyone he could think of just to have them listen to his exciting news and I was calling our family members to hear them hoot and holler about how wonderful this was and it could not come at a better time. It still wasn't very real to us yet, well a bit more for me then my husband. He insisted on taking two extra pregnancy test to be for sure. Like the other ones would lie or something. MEN !!!! We told our son Caleb who is 4 that there was a baby inside mommy's tummy and his reaction was priceless. He say's "Where in the World Did it Come From?" I told him God gave it to us. Later on in the day I was talking to my husband and I was saying how babies are like aliens or the body snatchers. They live in your body taking everything from you! Like parasites. We were laughing when our son came up to us again and was like "Mom you have an Alien in your tummy, WOW." Behold The Beginning !!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I wish you the best of luck.You look great.

Love ya,